Frank Dubois


Institute of Pathology

Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin, Germany

Hi, I’m a physician-scientist interested in understanding how recurrent genomic rearrangements impact oncogene regulation in cancer to sustain unlimited growth. To study these questions, I will lead a laboratory at the Charité Institute of Pathology supported by a Max Eder grant from the German Cancer Aid. Currently, I am a fellow of the BIH Charité Junior Clinician Scientist Program working with Anton Henssen. Previously I was a postdoc in the lab of Rameen Beroukhim at the Broad Institute and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. If you are interested in studying how recurrent genomic rearrangements impact oncogene regulation in cancer and are passionate about biomedical research let me know! Always looking for enthusiastic new labmembers at several levels (PhD and MD students, postdocs or MSci students)


Oct 12, 2023 Duboislab is looking for 2 PhD students (one in bioinformatics and one in experimental biology) to join our Max-Eder-funded project about essential regulatory elements of high-level amplicons. Find out more here.

selected publications


  1. Nature Cancer
    Structural variants shape driver combinations and outcomes in pediatric high-grade glioma.
    FPB Dubois, and et al.
    Nature Cancer, 2022
  2. Nat Rev Cancer
    Structural variations in cancer and the 3D genome
    F Dubois, N Sidiropoulos, J Weischenfeldt, and 1 more author
    Nature Reviews Cancer, 2022